7 conditions for monks not to go into decline

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Seven conditions for monks not to go into decline:

1. As long as the monks meet often, meet a great deal, their growth can be expected, not their decline

2. As long as the monks meet in harmony, adjourn from their meetings in harmony, and conduct Sangha business in harmony, their growth can be expected, not their decline

3. As long as the monks neither decree what has been undecreed nor repeal what has been decreed, but practice undertaking the training rules as they have been decreed, their growth can be expected, not their decline

4. As long as the monks honor, respect, venerate, and do homage to the elder monks; those with seniority who have long been ordained, the fathers of the Sangha, leaders of the Sangha; regarding them as worth listening to, their growth can be expected, not their decline

5. As long as the monks do not submit to the power of any arisen craving that leads to further becoming, their growth can be expected, not their decline

6. As long as the monks see their own benefit in wilderness dwellings, their growth can be expected, not their decline

7. As long as the monks each keep firmly in mind: If there are any well-behaved fellow followers of the chaste life who have yet to come, may they come; and may the well-behaved fellow-followers of the chaste life who have come live in comfort, their growth can be expected, not their decline
