AN 1.3 Akammaniyavaggo

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21. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that is more intractable than the undeveloped mind. The undeveloped mind, monks, is intractable.

22. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that is more tractable than the developed mind. The developed mind, monks, is tractable.

23. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that leads to greater harm than the undeveloped mind. The undeveloped mind, monks, leads to great harm.

24. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that leads to greater benefit than the developed mind. The developed mind, monks, leads to great benefit.

25. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that leads to greater harm than the undeveloped and corrupted mind. The undeveloped and corrupted mind, monks, leads to great harm

26. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that leads to greater benefit than the developed and uncorrupted mind. The developed and uncorrupted mind, monks, leads to great benefit.

27. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that leads to greater harm than the undeveloped and uncultivated mind. The undeveloped and uncultivated mind, monks, leads to great harm

28. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that leads to greater benefit than the developed and cultivated mind. The developed and cultivated mind, monks, leads to great benefit.

29. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that brings suffering more than the undeveloped and uncultivated mind. The undeveloped and uncultivated mind, monks, brings suffering.

30. “Monks, I do not know of any other thing that brings happiness more than the developed and cultivated mind. The developed and cultivated mind, monks, brings happiness.