Aharitabba to ahundarika

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āharitabba : [pt.p. of āharati] should be brought.

āharitvā : [abs. of āharati] having brought; having fetched; having produced.

āhāra : [m.] food; nutriment.

āhāraṭṭhika : [adj.] subsisting on food.

āhāreti : [ā + har + e] eats; takes food.

āhāresi : [aor. of āhāreti] ate; took food.

āhiṇḍati : [ā + hiḍ + ṃ-a] wanders about; roams.

āhiṇḍi : [aor. of āhiṇḍati] wandered about; roamed.

āhiṇḍitvā : [abs. of āhiṇḍati] having wandered about; having roamed.

āhu : [plu. of āha.] they have said.

āhuṇa : [nt.] adoration; oblation.

āhuṇeyya : [adj.] worthy of adoration or offerings.

āhuti : [f.] oblation; offering.

āhundarika : [adj.] crowded; blocked up.