Danaphala to dayana

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dānaphala : [nt.] the fruit of munificence.

dānamaya : [adj.] consisting of giving alms.

dānava : [m.] a Titan.

dānavaṭṭa : [nt.] constant giving of alms.

dānavatthu : [nt.] things to be given.

dānaveyyāṭika : [adj.] a distributor of alms or one who serves in feeding.

dānasālā : [f.] alms-hall.

dānasīla : [adj.] fond of giving.

dānasoṇḍa : [adj.] of liberal disposition.

dānāraha : [adj.] worthy of receiving gifts.

dāni : [adv.] now.

dāpana : [nt.] inducement to give.

dāpita : [pp. of dāpeti] induced to give.

dāpeti : [caus. of deti] induces to give.

dāpetu : [m.] one who induces to give.

dāpetvā : [abs. of dāpeti] having induced to give.

dāpenta : [pr.p. of dāpeti] inducing to give.

dāpesi : [aor. of dāpeti] induced to give.

dāyaka : [m.] giver; supporter.

dāyajja : [nt.] inheritance. (adj.) One who inherits.

dāyati : [dā + ya] mows; reaps.

dāyana : [m.] mowing.